Cadelle leather

April 6, 2023

How to: Remove Wrinkles From Your Leather Jacket

Do you have a beloved leather jacket starting to show signs of wear and tear? Have wrinkles appeared, making it look older than it really is? If so, you’re not alone. Leather jackets are a timeless staple in many wardrobes. While they are made of durable material, they are not impervious to wrinkles. The good news is that there are ways to eliminate those pesky wrinkles and give your jacket a new lease on life.

The Cadelle Leather team has prepared some tried and tested methods for reducing wrinkles on your leather jacket! Give them a go and let us know how it worked.

#1 Steam it in the bathroom!

Using a clothes steamer can damage your leather jacket, but there's a way to get the same effect without the risk - steam it in the bathroom while you shower. Hang the leather jacket on a sturdy hanger in the bathroom while taking a shower to build up steam. After 20 minutes, smooth out any remaining creases with your hands and store the jacket back in the wardrobe on a sturdy hanger.

#2 Pull the leather jacket down

It's easy and often effective in removing small wrinkles from your jacket. Hang the leather jacket on a sturdy and wide clothes hanger and pull it down from under the creased or wrinkled area for about five minutes, making sure not to pull too hard. This should help the leather jacket retain its new, smooth shape.

#3 Use heavy books

While this method can be useful for minor wrinkles, for more profound creases, it's recommended to use it in combination with other techniques described earlier. Also, remember to wear the jacket after removing the books so that it can regain its original form. 

Find a heavy dictionary or a textbook on your shelf. Place the leather jacket on a flat, hard surface and flatten any bumps. Then, put a heavy book over the wrinkled area and leave it overnight. Check the jacket in the morning to see if the wrinkle has disappeared.

#4 Iron the jacket carefully

Although it's generally not advised to iron a leather jacket, you can do so to remove wrinkles if you're very cautious. To iron a leather jacket without damaging it, turn the iron's heat to the lowest setting and cover the jacket with a clean cotton towel or pillowcase before gently ironing it through the extra layer of fabric on an ironing board.

In conclusion, leather jackets are a great investment piece that can last many years if properly cared for. Don’t let wrinkles ruin the look of your leather jacket. Try one of these methods to reduce wrinkles and bring them back to life. Always be gentle when handling your leather jacket, and never use harsh chemicals or abrasive materials to clean it.

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